Yunfei Wu: Plant Physiology First Author

Yunfei Wu, first author of “The sucrose transport regulator OsDOF11 mediates cytokinin degradation during rice development”

Current Position: Yangzhou University

Education: KyungHee University Doctor

Non-scientific Interests: Read, travel

Brief bio:

From 2012 to 2018, I conducted my Ph.D. research at the KyungHee University, under the supervision of Dr. Gynheung An. I studied the nutrition transport in rice, especially in the sucrose transport. After Ph.D., I joined Dr. Xiong Fei’s lab at Yangzhou University (Yangzhou, China), where I continue to focus on nutrition transport for rice development. The main research results were published in the journals of Molecular Plant,Plant Physiology,Frontiers in plant science,BMC Plant Biology,Molecules and Cells as the first or corresponding author.

现在职位:扬州大学 讲师
兴趣爱好: 读书、旅行

个人简介:从2012年到2018年,我在庆熙大学(KyungHee University)获得了博士学位。在Gynheung An教授的指导下,我主要研究水稻的营养物质运输,尤其是蔗糖转运。博士毕业以后,我加入了扬州大学(中国扬州)熊飞教授实验室继续从事水稻营养物质运输机理研究。主要研究结果以第一或者通讯作者身份发表在Molecular Plant,Plant Physiology,Frontiers in plant science,BMC Plant Biology,Molecules and Cells等杂志上。