Yuko Yamamoto: Plant Direct First Author

Yuko Yamamoto, first author of “Enhancement of Arabidopsis growth by non–24 hour day–night cycles”

Current Position: Researcher in TOYOTA BOSHOKU CORPORATION, Japan

Education: PhD in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences at Nagoya University (Japan), working at TOYOTA BOSHOKU CORPORATION (Japan)

Non-scientific Interests:  Travelling, Japanese classic dancing

Brief bio: Understanding how living organisms’ function is fascinating. Growing up and living in a rural village, I have always wondered how to relate to living organisms in order to successfully coexist with them. During my career as a researcher, I experienced the wonderful and sophisticated mechanisms by which plants work at the molecular level. Joining the Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences at Nagoya University in Japan allowed me to pursue this fascination and share it with a great team. Later, I joined TOYOTA BOSHOKU CORPORATION in Japan as a researcher, where I am applying my background in agronomic practices and expertise in plant physiology to the group’s mission of establishing and providing technology of sustainable food production at the international level.