Yuhan Hao: The Plant Cell First Author

Yuhan Hao, first author of “Green means go: Green light promotes hypocotyl elongation via brassinosteroid signaling”

Current Position: Assistant Professor in CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences (CEMPS)

Education: 2012-2016 Ph.D in Fudan University; 2009-2012 MS in Shenyang Agricultural University;2005-2009 BS in Shenyang Agricultural University

Non-scientific Interests: Reading books; Travelling

Brief bio: I joined Xuelu Wang’s group at Fudan University for a PhD project about brassinosteroid signal pathway. We found that histone deacetylase HDA6 can interact with and deacetylate BIN2 to inhibit its activity, providing significant insights into the repression of BIN2 and the function of histone deacetylase in modifying non-histone proteins. This study was published on PNAS as the first author. Since 2017, I joined Hongtao Liu’s Lab in CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences to study the functions of light signals in regulating plant growth and stress resistance. Recently, we found that green light acted as an critical signal in modulating plants development. The reason for the contradictory results of previous studies on green light is the contamination of the green light source with blue or red tail. We used filters to narrow the spectrum of green light, and found that pure green light promoted the hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis and many crops, unlike red, far red, blue or UV-B light that inhibited hypocotyl elongation. Phytochromes, cryptochromes, and other known photoreceptors do not function as green light receptors to mediate green light-promoted hypocotyl elongation, whereas the brassinosteroid (BR) signaling pathway is involved in this process. Green light promotes the DNA binding activity of BES1, a master transcription factor of this pathway, thus regulating gene transcription to promote hypocotyl elongation.

姓    名: 郝宇涵

目前职位: 助理研究员,中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心


2009-2012 沈阳农业大学,发育生物学,硕士

2005-2009 沈阳农业大学,生物科学,学士

兴趣爱好: 读书,旅行

个人简介: 博士期间在复旦大学王学路课题组从事油菜素甾醇信号通路研究,我们发现组蛋白去乙酰化酶HDA6可以通过去乙酰化抑制BIN2的活性从而激活油菜素甾醇信号通路。本研究以第一作者发表在PNAS上。2017年起加入中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心刘宏涛课题组,在植物光信号调控植物生长和抗逆中的功能进行研究。最近我们发现植物也是可以感知绿光的。之前研究绿光的结果相互矛盾的原因是每个实验室所用的绿光光源不纯的原因。因为技术的问题,被用来观察植物生长的绿光光源都存在少量的红光或者蓝光,从而干扰了实验结果。我们应用滤光片将绿光的光谱变窄,从而发现纯绿光促进拟南芥和多种作物的下胚轴伸长,这和蓝光、红光、远红光和紫外光会抑制植物下胚轴伸长相反。光敏色素、隐花素和其他已知的光受体都不能介导绿光调控的下胚轴伸长。而油菜素甾醇信号通路参与调控这一过程。绿光可以促进油菜素甾醇信号通路的转录因子BES1的DNA结合能力,从而促进植物下胚轴伸长。