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When posttranslational modifications meet splicing to regulate stress responses

Agrofoglio et al. explore how the methylation of arginine residues on a key splicing factor affects alternative splicing. Julieta Mateos, María José Iglesias, Yamila Agrofoglio. IFIBYNE-UBA-CONICET Background: Plants are constantly subjected to a variety…

Regulation of a calcium-dependent protein kinase in response to osmotic stress

Fan et al. explore how ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis regulates the levels of active kinase in plant responses to osmotic stress. Wei Fan and Zixing Li School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China Background:…

Metacaspases meet stress granules

Ruiz-Solaní et al. examine how a cysteine protease interacts with stress granules, a type of membrane-less condensate, under heat stress and aging By Nerea Ruiz-Solaní1,2, Laia Armengot1,2 and Núria S. Coll1,3 1 Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Bellaterra…

Update: Callose synthesis in plant development – an evolutionary insight

Callose is a polysaccharide with amorphous, gel-like properties that often serves as a transient matrix in plant cell walls. Callose deposition at plasmodesmata can regulate the movement of molecules between cells, transient callose deposition in phloem sieve elements occurs in response to stress, callose…