Auxin production in the endosperm drives seed coat development in Arabidopsis
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research0 Comments
Seed vitality is critical for plants’ evolutionary survival and food production by economic crops such as rice, wheat, etc. Seed formation is preceded by well-coordinated events involving mainly fertilization, endosperm and seed coat formation in chronological order. How is the signal relayed from…

Commentary: Chemical nature of the root-shoot signals
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research
Unravelling the mechanism and signals originating from roots and able to contribute to stomatal control has been the subject of research for decades. In this commentary, Tardieu summarizes and discusses many studies and models on root-shoot signals, including work in the same issue by Visentin et…

Review: Programmed Cell Death in Development and Disease
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research
Programmed cell death (PCD) is an active process that occurs as part of normal development and also contributes to defense against pathogens. While there are many similarities in developmental PCD (dPCD) and pathogen-triggered PCD (pPCD), there are also differences. Huysmans et al. review and contrast…

Do Phytochromes and Phytochrome-Interacting Factors Need to Interact?
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In BriefIN BRIEF by Nancy R. Hofmann [email protected]
A new study calls into question whether phytochrome B (phyB) must directly interact with phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs) to promote light responses. Phytochrome photoreceptors mediate responses to red light in part by inducing the degradation of…

Shape-Shifters: How Strigolactone Signaling Helps Shape the Shoot
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In BriefIN BRIEF by Jennifer Lockhart [email protected]
When a deer eats the primary shoot of a plant, this can activate a nearby dormant axillary bud, causing it to form a secondary shoot. Genetic and environmental factors also affect shoot architecture, which strongly influences crop productivity. Changes…