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Rice tiller production regulated by sustained expression of FON1

Number of tillers is one of the major determinants of yield in rice. MONOCULM1 (MOC1) and MOC3 have been reported to regulate tiller formation by promoting axillary bud formation and elongation of buds. MOC1 interacts with MOC3 and promotes the expression of FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1 (FON1), which increases…

A single gene converts Brassicaceae from annual to perennial form

Polycarpic perennials, as opposed to annual plants, flower multiple times over several growing seasons throughout their lifecycle. To do that, they must retain a vegetative meristem that does not produce flowers during the reproductive phase. MADS-box transcription factors like FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC)…

Maternal nitric oxide influences female gametophyte development

Nitric oxide (NO) acts as a signal molecule to regulate plant growth, from seed germination to floral formation. Female gametophyte (FG) development is sensitive to external signals; for example, in plants in adverse environements, a decrease in fertilizable FGs enhances the survival prospects of the…

A novel BZR/BES transcription factor controls the development of haploid reproductive organs in Marchantia polymorpha

Gametogenesis is essential for sexual reproduction. In bryophytes, lycophytes, and ferns, gametogenesis takes place in gametangia: antheridia for sperm production and archegonia for egg production. How these specialized reproductive organs develop at the molecular level remains unclear. Furuya et al.…

Transcriptional changes during barley grain development

Barley is a globally important cereal crop, so understanding barley grain development is of much interest. Here, Kovacik et al. investigated transcriptional changes in barley grains at five points across development, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 days after pollination. For each time point, grains were manually…

Antibody array-based proteome approach reveals proteins involved in grape seed development

Grape (Vitis vinifera) is a globally cultivated fruit for fresh or processed consumption, and seedless grapes are highly preferred for consumer convenience. In seedless grapes, fertilization occurs but the embryo subsequently aborts, although the molecular basis for this abortion is not understood. Zhang…

Volatile communication in plants relies on a KAI2-mediated signaling pathway

While it is recognized that plant communication, both within and between plants, can be achieved through emission and perception of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), it is unclear exactly how these signals are perceived and transmitted. Stirling et al. tease apart the components of within-plant VOC…

All fruit things come to an end: FRUITFULL controls end of flowering and seed yield in pea

The onset of flowering is a tightly regulated process, as is the end of the reproductive phase in plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana, FRUITFULL (FUL) contributes to ending the reproductive cycle, as do signals derived from developing seeds. Here, Martínez-Fernández et al. explored to which extent that…

Neo-polyploid infertility associated with defective pollen tube growth

Polyploidy, arising from whole-genome duplication, is a common phenomenon in plant species. However, newly formed polyploids are often infertile and the mechanism(s) by which they adapt to their new karyotypes remain unclear. In this article, Westermann and colleagues chemically induced the formation…