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The white lupin trehalase gene regulates cluster root formation and function under phosphorus deficiency

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development. Under P deficiency, white lupin develops cluster roots (CR), specialized root structures that enhance soil exploration and nutrient acquisition. While sugar signaling, particularly sucrose, has been shown to play a role in the…

Modern agriculture practices negatively affect functions of beneficial plant microbes (Nature Ecol. Evol.)

Are modern agricultural practices good for the environment? Or at least for the crops? If we look at a small field at a particular time point, it may seem they are good. But looking at a broader picture gives a different notion. In a recent study, Edlinger et al. collected 210 soil samples from traditional…

Plants balance nucleotide availability with ribosome production

Busche and colleagues undertook a genetic screen to identify new components of the TOR signaling pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana and revealed a link between sensing of nutrient levels and protein translation. By Michael Busche, University of California-Berkeley, and Jacob O. Brunkard, University…