Best of 2016: Top Topics in The Plant Cell journal
Blog, Research, Research Blog, The Plant CellWe’ve highlighted some of the Plant Cell papers that were widely shared, liked, blogged, retweeted and otherwise garnered high-levels of attention this year. Perhaps you can use some holiday-season quiet time to catch up on those you missed.
Reviews and Perspectives
Creating order from chaos: epigenome…

Improving Rubisco
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research0 Comments
Rubisco (Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase) is the enzyme responsible for fixing almost all inorganic carbon into organic form, but it is not optimized for current conditions. As temperature and CO2 levels increase, there is an opportunity to increase photosynthetic efficiency by engineering…

Biofortification of plants: New Reviews ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchBiofortification is the nutritional enhancement (using conventional or genetic engineering approaches) of food with vitamins or micronutrients with the goal of improving the human diet. A set of new reviews in Current Opinion in Biotechnology summarizes progress towards biofortification of plants to…

Transcript, protein and metabolite dynamics in CAM-plant Agave ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is a specialized form of photosynthesis that greatly increases water-use efficiency by taking up CO2 through stomata that are open at night (when evapotranspiration is low). Engineering plants that can switch to CAM during periods of drought is a key goal towards…