Shengbin Liu: Plant Physiology First Author

Shengbin Liu, first author of “Brachypodium distachyon UNICULME4 and LAXATUM-A are redundantly required for development”

Current Position: Research Associate – The third people’s hospital of Chengdu (China)

Education : Bachelor of Biological Sciences, Dali University; Master:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sichuan Agricultural University; PhD:Biology,Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Paris-Saclay, Universite Paris-Saclay

Non-scientific Interests: basketball, travel, gardening, botanical expedition, gastronomy, and cuisine

Brief bio: My passion towards plant science began when I was growing up in the countryside. I participated in agricultural labor in all my spare time. In addition, my hometown (Yunnan) has unique plant resources; hence I applied for the major of biological science in undergraduate study. In 2012, I graduated from Dali University with a bachelor’s degree. In the same year, I joined the lab of Prof. Rongjun Chen and Prof. Zhengjun Xu at Rice Research Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University, participated in a rice stress physiology research project. After postgraduate in 2015, I worked in Zigong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, engaged in nosocomial infection monitoring, and disease prevention and control. Based on my interest in plant research, I applied for and obtained the scholarship from China Scholarship Council in 2016 to pursue my doctoral degree in biology, working with Dr. Pascal RATET, University of Paris-Saclay (France). While at Paris, my work focused on understanding the genetic control of NBCL genes in the leguminous model plants Medicago truncatula and pea and their influence on plant growth and development, including root nodules and aboveground parts. At the same time, I also studied the effect of NBCL genes on the growth and development of the monocotyledonous model plant Brachypodium distachyon. Through their in-depth study, our findings show that these genes not only play an important role in the underground and aboveground parts of dicot plants but are also crucial for monocot development. Provided that, even after becoming a medicine science researcher during my Graduate School period, I have been constantly engaged in botanical research, as well.





个人简介:我对植物科学的热情始于从小生长在农村,所有课余时间都参与农业劳动,加上家乡(云南)得天独厚的植物资源,所以本科就报考了生物科学专业。2012年本科毕业于大理大学,同年进入四川农业大学水稻研究所陈荣军研究员和徐正君教授课题组开始研究生阶段的学习,主要从事水稻逆境生理相关研究。2015年研究生毕业后进入自贡市疾病预防控制中心工作,从事医院感染的监测及疾病预防控制。基于对植物研究的喜爱,于2016年申请并获得中国国家留学基金委资助到法国巴黎萨克雷大学植物科学研究所Pascal RATET课题组攻读博士学位。在博士阶段,我主要研究NBCL基因在豆科模式植物苜蓿及豌豆中的遗传控制以及对根瘤和地上部分生长发育的影响。同时,我还研究NBCL基因对单子叶模式植物二穗短柄草的生长发育的影响。通过对NBCL基因的深入研究,我们发现这些基因不仅在双子叶植物的地下和地上部分发挥重要作用,而且对单子叶植物的发育也至关重要。虽然在博士毕业之后我的研究方向以医学为主,我也继续进行植物学的研究。