Jia Yuan Ye: The Plant Cell Author

Jia Yuan Ye,  first author of “STOP1 activates NRT1.1-mediated nitrate uptake to create a favorable rhizopheric pH for plant adaptation to acidity”

Current position: PhD student, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University

Education: BS, Zhejiang University, China

Non-scientific Interests: Traveling and playing badminton

Brief Bio: I joined Prof. Chong Wei Jin’s lab in Zhejiang University as a fourth year undergraduate in 2017. I am currently a third year Ph.D. candidate. My research focuses on the role(s) of nitrate transporter NRT1.1 in mediating plant responses to stress conditions and its underlying mechanisms. Over the past few years, through the pursuit novel discoveries, I have gained valued experience in scientific research. Our team has found that the STOP1-NRT1.1 module improves nitrogen use efficiency and creates a favorable rhizopheric pH for plant adaptation to acidity. In the future, I will continue my research in nitrate transporter regulation and plant responses to environmental stress via complicated signaling pathways. I hope these findings will contribute to scientific developments in this field.





个人简介:我自本科四年级就加入浙江大学金崇伟教授课题组进行科研训练,随后直接攻读博士学位。我的研究重点是硝酸盐转运蛋白NRT1.1在调控植物逆境响应中的作用及其机制。在金老师这几年的科研指导和训练中,我一直在尝试探索一些有趣的东西,并积累了一些科研经验。于我而言,发现STOP1-NRT1.1模块能提高酸性条件下植物的氮素利用效率并为植物创造更适宜的根际pH 以应对酸胁迫这一调控机制是有趣而幸运的。今后,我将继续关注硝酸盐转运蛋白和调控植物逆境胁迫耐性的关键基因的作用机制,期望为该领域的发展作出贡献。