Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Jing Che

Jing Che, first author of A vacuolar phytosiderophore transporter alters accumulation of iron and zinc in polished rice grain

Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University, Kurashiki, Japan

Education: Ph.D. in Plant Nutrition, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China

Non-scientific Interests: Climbing and basketball

Brief bio: I am interested in the plant mineral stress tolerance and mineral transporters in plants. During my Ph.D, I focused on the molecular mechanism of Al-tolerance in rice and buckwheat. I identified several Al-tolerance genes including a transcription factor ART2 in rice and bacterial-type ABC transporter genes FeSTAR1/FeSTAR2 in buckwheat. I am currently working in Prof. Jian Feng Ma’s laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow. My current research is mainly to identify key transporters involved in the distribution of mineral elements in rice node and to characterize the function and role of these transporters.


论文:A vacuolar phytosiderophore transporter alters accumulation of iron and zinc in polished rice grain




个人简介:我主要研究植物耐铝的分子机制和植物矿质元素分配的分子机制。在博士研究生期间,我主要研究水稻和荞麦耐铝的分子机制。我们发现ART2和FeSTAR1 / FeSTAR2分别参与了水稻和荞麦的耐铝性。目前我在日本冈山大学资源植物科学研究马建锋课题组进行博士后研究。我目前的研究主要是鉴定参与水稻节中矿质元素分配的关键转运蛋白,并解析这些转运蛋白的功能和作用。