Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Guangxia Wu

Guangxia Wu, first author of Characterization of Maize Phytochrome-Interacting Factors in Light Signaling and Photomorphogenesis

Current Position: Postdoc Fellow in the group of Prof. Haiyang Wang, Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Education: PhD in Biomolecular Engineering in Tianjin University, MSc in Northeast Agricultural University and BSc in Qufu Normal University

Non-scientific Interests: spending time with family and friends, travelling, and swimming

Brief bio: I enjoy exploring how plants function and how they achieve developmental plasticity to adapt to ambient environment. I am keen on exploring the molecular mechanism governing shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) in plants. By doing this, I elucidated the molecular characterizations of maize phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs) in regulating light signaling and photomorphogenesis in the group of Prof. Haiyang Wang at Biotechnology Research Institute of CAAS. The highlighted paper documents one of these examples. The take home message from my research is that PIFs, as a cellular signaling hub, play key roles in regulating plant architecture and SAS in maize.