Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Charles Paul “Max” Moehs

Charles Paul “Max” Moehs, first author of Development of reduced gluten wheat enabled by determination of the genetic basis of lys3a barley

Current Position: Independent Consultant

Education: PhD Genetics North Carolina State University

Non-scientific Interests: Trail running, rock climbing, photography

Brief bio: Following a PhD in plant genetics at North Carolina State University, Charles “Max” Moehs held postdoctoral positions with Olin Anderson and Bill Belknap at the USDA Western Regional Research Center in Albany, California, followed by a postdoctoral position with Dean DellaPenna at the University of Nevada, Reno. Subsequently Dr. Moehs held a position as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno before joining the agricultural biotechnology start-up Tilligen (renamed Anawah) in Seattle, Washington. He also held senior scientific positions with Arcadia Biosciences and Phytelligence.