Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Rosa Laura López-Marqués

Rosa Laura López-Marqués, co-first author of Update: Dynamic membranes – The multiple roles of P4 and P5 ATPases

Current Position: Associate Professor, Group Leader, University of Copenhagen

Education: PhD in Chemistry

Non-scientific Interests: reading, cooking, sports

Brief bio: I obtained my PhD in Chemistry from the University of Sevilla (Spain) in 2004 and moved to the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen (Denmark) in 2005 as a Marie Curie Postodoctoral fellow. During this time, a started a new line of research on plant lipid flippases, which set the basis for my future career. Since I established this research line, I have collected and developed a whole toolbox to study the mechanism, regulation and physiological role of these transporters with a focus in plants. My publications have provided groundbreaking knowledge in the flippase field and several have been published in journals with a broad audience and high impact (Nature Comm, Mol Biol Cell, Biochem J, J Cell Science, J Exp Bot). Currently, I am the group Leader of the Biomembranes and Lipid Flippases group at the University of Copenhagen, which has a focus on plant lipid flippases and plant adaptation to environmental cues.