Recognizing Plant Physiology author Mei Zheng

Mei Zheng, co-first author of Histone acetyltransferase TaHAG1 acts as a crucial regulator to strengthen salt tolerance of hexaploid wheat
Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Beijing Vegetable Research Center (BVRC), Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (BAAFS), Beijing, 100097, China
Education: Ph. D, China Agricultural University.
Non-scientific Interests: Music
Brief bio: In 2013, I joined the research group of Wheat Genetics and Genomics Center in China Agricultural University and started my postgraduate course study. The main research work was to reveal the molecular basis of adaptive advantage in allopolyploidy wheat. We found that the histone acetyltransferase TaHAG1 acts as a crucial regulator to strengthen salt tolerance of hexaploid wheat. Salinity induced TaHAG1 expression was associated with tolerance variation in polyploidy wheat. Overexpression, silencing and CRISPR-mediated knockout of TaHAG1 validate the role of TaHAG1 in salinity tolerance of wheat. TaHAG1 contribute to salt tolerance by modulating ROS production and signal specificity. Moreover, TaHAG1 directly targets a subset of genes that are responsible for hydrogen peroxide production and enrichment of TaHAG1 triggers increased H3 acetylation and transcriptional upregulation of these loci under salt stress. In addition, we found the salinity induced TaHAG1-mediated ROS production pathway is involved in salt tolerance difference of wheat accessions with varying ploidy. Our findings provide insight into the molecular mechanism of how epigenetic regulatory factor facilitates adaptability of polyploidy wheat and highlights this epigenetic modulator as a strategy for salt tolerance breeding in bread wheat.