Recognizing Plant Physiology author Jelena Cvetkovic

Jelena Cvetkovic, first author of Ectopic maltase alleviates dwarf phenotype and improves plant frost tolerance of maltose transporter mutants

Current Position: Senior Scientist Seeking Work

Education: PhD in Molecular plant physiology at the Free University Berlin, Germany; MSc in Molecular Biology and Physiology at the University of Belgrade, Serbia; BSc in Biology at the University of Belgrade, Serbia

Non-scientific interest: reading, hiking, painting

Brief bio: Until June 2020 I worked as a postdoctoral research associate of Transregional Consortium 175 at TU Kaiserslautern (DE). There I focused on understanding function of chloroplast located sugars and the plastid envelope in acclimation to cold temperatures. I was tasked with uncovering MEX1 protein as novel acclimation modulator. I started my international scientific career as a PhD student in 2013 at FU Berlin (DE) where I was interested on Arabidopsis thaliana natural variation and inter-specific comparison of intracellular signalling mechanisms and function of chloroplasts in priming. As participant of German consortium (SFB973) I had opportunity to actively contribute to the different long term research projects connecting various molecular biology and ecology branches. At the largest Biological research centre ‘’Sinisa Stankovic’’ (Belgrade, Serbia) I worked as predoc for 2 years where my task was to do physiological, chemical and molecular analysis of the selected rare and endangered plant species diversity with the aim of ex situ conservation and production of biologically active compounds.