Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Yan Wang

Yan Wang, first author of Plasticity and the role of mass-scaling in allocation, morphology and anatomical trait responses to above and belowground resource limitation in cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Current Position: Lecturer, College of Forestry, Shandong Agricultural University, China

Education: BSc, MSc and PhD from Northeast Forestry University. CN, Research scholar in University of Georgia, USA

Non-scientific Interests: plants, badminton

Brief bio: At Northeast Forestry University, I completed my PhD degree in the lab of Dr. Zhengquan Wang, studying the responses of fine roots of woody plant to soil resource heterogeneity, e.g., soil depth and fertilization. At University of Georgia, I did a study in the Sunflower lab of Dr. Lisa, Donovan, worked the responses of whole plant to resource stresses in sunflower. These studies would reveal the possible modifications of plants to the climate changes in the future. Now, I work at Shandong Agriculture University as a lecturer, and I am combining my research on plants (i.e., root and leaf) functional traits and starting my own group.



论文题目:Plasticity and the role of mass-scaling in allocation, morphology and anatomical trait responses to above and belowground resource limitation in cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)




个人简介:我在东北林业大学林学院森林培育专业获得了农学博士学位,在王政权教授课题组开展了木本植物细根对土壤资源异质性的研究,如土层变化和施肥等。在博士联培期间,在美国佐治亚大学植物生物学系,跟随Dr. Donovan教授开展了向日葵对环境胁迫(光照和养分的)下全株水平上的响应。这些木本和草本等不同生活型植物对环境变化的相应研究将有助于我们理解在未来气候变化背景下植物的适应策略与机制。目前,我以讲师身份在山东农业大学林学院工作,目前正积极开展植物功能性状的相关研究。