Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Christopher John Till

Christopher John Till, first author of The Arabidopsis thaliana N‐recognin E3 ligase PROTEOLYSIS1 influences the immune response

Current Position: Scientist at Azotic technologies Ltd

Education: PhD in Biosciences, Department of Plant and Crop Sciences, Sutton Bonington, University of Nottingham. BSc (Hons) in Biotechnology, Department of Plant and Crop Sciences, Sutton Bonington, University of Nottingham

Non-scientific interests: I am keen sportsman who really enjoys cycling, running and swimming. I am currently training to complete my first Ironman distance triathlon in Nice, France in 2020. Otherwise I love mountaineering and getting out into nature.

Brief Bio: My Phd was a collaboration between the Holdsworth and Theodoulou labs at the University of Nottingham and Rothamsted Research respectively, looking to elucidate the role for PROTEOLYSIS1, an E3 ligase in the N-degron pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. The major outcomes of my thesis are presented in this manuscript and have been developed by members of my group. I am currently working in an industrial biotechnology company as a scientist optimising the use of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus as a bio-fertiliser to ease global reliance on nitrogen fertilisers in agriculture.