Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Yuanlong Liu

Yuanlong Liu, first author of Phased, Secondary, Small  Interfering RNAs (phasiRNAs) in Plants: Their Biogenesis, Genic Sources, and Roles in Stress Responses, Development, and Reproduction

Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Horticulture College, South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou, China

Education: Ph.D.(2015)from Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, China; B.S.(2005)from Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, China

Non-scientific Interests: running, Badminton, and movies

Brief bio: After I obtained the B.S. degree in 2009, I studied for my doctorate in Prof. Xiuxin Deng’s group at Huazhong Agriculture University and started my research on the regulatory roles of small RNA in the development of citrus flower and fruit. During this fascinating project, I had been well trained by Prof. Xiuxin Deng and Prof. Qiang Xu. After finishing my Ph.D., I joined Prof. Rui Xia’s lab at South China Agriculture University and gratefully got the opportunity to work with Prof. Blake Meyers and his team on rice miRNAs and phasiRNAs. In early 2018, we started planning to write a review paper on phasiRNA biogenesis, evolution, and function. After one and a half years of effort, we completed it and published it in The Plant Cell. As a member of Xia’s Lab, whose research focused on small RNAs in plants, hope we could report more and more exciting and interesting stories in small RNA research in the future.






个人简介:于2009年拿到学士学位后,我在华中农业大学邓秀新教授团队攻读博士学位,并开始了小分子RNA在柑橘花果发育中调控作用的研究。在此期间,我受到了邓秀新教授和徐强教授的良好训练。完成博士学位之后,我加入了华南农业大学夏瑞课题组,并且有幸和Blake Meyers教授及其团队共事,一起研究水稻的miRNA和phasiRNA。在2018年初,我们开始构思并着手准备一篇关于phasiRNA的生物合成,进化及其功能的综述文章。经过一年半的努力,我们最终在2020年年中将之发表于The Plant Cell。作为以研究植物小RNA为重点的夏瑞课题组成员,希望将来我们可以在小分子RNA研究领域发表更多精彩有趣的故事。