Philipp Wendering: Plant Physiology First Author

Philipp Wendering, first author of “Toward mechanistic modelling and rational engineering of plant respiration”

Current Position: Doctoral student in Bioinformatics with Zoran Nikoloski at the University of Potsdam


Sc. in Molecular Biology at the University of Potsdam

Sc. in Bioinformatics at the University of Potsdam

Non-scientific Interests:

In my free time, I like to do all sorts of outdoor activities like hiking, running, or spending quality time with family, friends, and my dog. I also have a passion for building and renovating furniture, cooking, and playing the guitar.

Brief bio:

I started my scientific journey by studying at the University of Potsdam, where I quickly developed a fascination for plant research. After completing my Bachelor’s thesis on gene mapping and clonal analysis in barley with Michael Lenhard, I visited the lab of Maria Eriksson at the Umeå Plant Science Centre, where I got the opportunity to study and learn about the plant circadian clock. My interests in the computational aspects of research led me to return to Potsdam for my M. Sc. in Bioinformatics. Here, I specialized in constrained-based modelling by writing my Master’s thesis with Zoran Nikoloski on the reconstruction and analysis of microbial communities in soil. Currently, I am working on my PhD thesis where I am integrating temperature effects into constraint-based models of plant metabolism. Recently, I got the opportunity to spend three months at the University of Cape Town in the lab of Nicola Illing, working with resurrection plants.