Meina Guo: The Plant Cell First Author

Meina Guo, first author of “Alternative splicing of REGULATOR OF LEAF INCLINATION 1 modulates phosphate starvation signaling and plant growth”

Current Position: Postdoctoral/associate researcher in the lab of Prof. Keke Yi, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Education: Ph.D. in College of Life Sciences with Prof. Ping Wu at Zhejiang University, M.Sc. in College of Plant Science with Prof. Yaping Yuan at Jilin University, B.Sc. in School of Life Sciences Inner Mongolia University.

Non-scientific Interests:Hiking and Music

Brief bio: In 2012, as a doctoral candidate, I joined Prof. Ping Wu’s Lab at Zhejiang University, in which I started my research journey on discovering the regulation mechanisms of phosphate nutrition in rice. Three years later, I got my doctor’s degree. Then I joined Prof. Keke Yi’s Lab at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and focused on studying the molecular and physiological regulation mechanism of crops in response to phosphate deficient stress.

In the labs of Ping Wu and Keke Yi, I and my partners elucidated a PHRs dependent phosphate signaling regulation network in rice (Guo et al., 2015, Plant Physiology; Guo et al., 2022, Molecular Plant), and demonstrated the cytological and molecular mechanisms of SPX-RLI1 module in regulating the development of lamina joint in response to external Pi availability in rice (Ruan, Guo et al., 2018, Plant Cell). Here, as the extension of the work“An SPX-RLI1 Module Regulates Leaf Inclination in Response to Phosphate Availability in Rice” published in The Plant Cell (2018), we revealed a strategy of “killing two birds with one stone” to balancing plant growth and phosphate starvation signaling by the alternative splicing of RLI1. It provides a theoretical basis for cultivating smart crops with ideal shoot architecture and high phosphorus utilization efficiency by molecular design breeding.




学历:浙江大学生命科学学院,理学博士, 吉林大学植物科学学院,理学硕士,内蒙古民族大学,理学学士



本人于2012年9月进入浙江大学生命科学学院植物生理学与生物化学国家重点实验室,师从吴平教授,开启作物养分高效吸收利用的科研之旅。2015年6月在浙江大学获得生物化学与分子生物学专业博士学位。2015年10月进入易可可研究员课题组继续开展相关研究工作,2017年10月进入中国农业科学院博士后流动站开展博士后研究工作至今,一直从事作物磷素养分高效利用的分子生理调控机制研究。构建了水稻基于PHRs的磷信号核心调控网络(Guo et al., 2015, Plant Physiology; Guo et al., 2022, Molecular Plant),明确了磷养分通过SPX-RLI1分子模块调控地上部株型的细胞学及分子生物学机制(Ruan and Guo et al., 2018, Plant Cell)。本研究是2018年发表于The Plant Cell 上 “An SPX-RLI1 Module Regulates Leaf Inclination in Response to Phosphate Availability in Rice” 研究论文的延续,揭示了植物通过RLI1可变剪切平衡植物生长及磷饥饿信号的“一箭双雕”策略,以此适应外界不同磷素供应状况。为通过分子设计培育株型理想且磷养分高效的智能作物提供理论依据。