Mabel Maria Mathew: Plant Physiology First Author

Mabel Maria Mathew, co-first author of “Regulation of touch-stimulated de novo root regeneration from Arabidopsis leaves

Current Position: PhD student, School of Biology, IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Education: M.Sc, St. Joseph’s College, Bengaluru

Non-scientific Interests: Travelling, Illustration

Brief Bio:  I am an aspiring plant biologist. I have always had an inclination to botany during my B.Sc and M.Sc days, which lead me to join Dr. Kalika Prasad’s lab as a PhD student in 2019. Among the variety of plant regeneration studies the lab has to offer, organ regeneration potential in particular, has captured my interest. I wish to fathom the mechanistic basis underlying plant organ regeneration, and leave no stone unturned in the process. It is probably because of my fondness for plant science, I am always thrilled to travel pretty much anywhere and locations of rich plant diversity are a bonus. Besides travelling, I also sketch and paint, both free hand and digital in my free time.