Justus Niemeyer: The Plant Cell First Author

Justus Niemeyer, first author of “Real-time Monitoring of Subcellular H2O2 Distribution in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Current Position:

PhD student in Prof. Michael Schroda’s lab in the Department of Molecular Biotechnology & Systems Biology, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany


Bachelor in Biosciences and Master in Microbial and Plant Biotechnology from the TU Kaiserslautern

Non-scientific Interests:

I enjoy traveling to discover new sites and cultures, being in nature for hiking and mountain biking, and spending time with my family and friends.

Brief bio:

I have always been passionate about natural sciences and especially biology. When I started my bachelor’s degree in biosciences, I wanted to deepen my knowledge and interest in plant sciences. I started in the department of Plant Physiology in the group of Prof. Ekkehard Neuhaus, where I characterized two putative members of the T2 ribonuclease family in Arabidopsis thaliana. During my master studies, I realized the enormous potential of synthetic biology. I was eager to combine these two interests, so I joined the lab of Prof. Michael Schroda. Under his supervision, I helped with building a modular cloning library for Chlamydomonas. In my PhD studies, I added the roGFP2-Tsa2ΔCR hypersensitive H2O2 sensor to the library, which fueled my curiosity in signaling molecules. We investigated H2O2 production and diffusion at the subcellular level upon changes in environmental conditions such as high light intensities and heat. We postulate the establishment of intracellular gradients that limit H2O2 diffusion within the cell. We aim to provide the community with cutting-edge tools for a better understanding of the fascinating roles of H2O2 in plant biology.