Ihsan Muhammad: Plant Physiology First Author

Ihsan Muhammad, first author of “Melatonin priming enhances maize seedling drought tolerance by regulating the antioxidant defense system”

Current Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher at Guangxi University, Guangxi, China

Education: Ph.D. in Physical Geography (Soil Science), College of Urban and Environmental Science, Northwest University, Xi’an, China

Non-scientific Interests: Running, Cricket, Reading, Hiking

Brief bio: As part of my Ph.D. thesis, I studied the effect of cover crops on soil greenhouse gas emissions, microbial biomass, and activity under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wang Jun (Northwest University, China). For my first post-doctoral fellowship, I joined Prof. Dr. Xun Bo Zhou’s team at Guangxi University to study plant photosynthesis, stomatal traits, leaf ultrastructure, enzymatic activities, and adaptation of plants to drought stress conditions and other environmental stresses. Currently, I am working as a post-doctoral researcher at the forestry college of Guangxi University, China, focusing on the interaction of mix vs sole residues incorporation on soil microbial biomass and activities. I am also working on meta-analyses to find the best and most reasonable application of fertilization and residue incorporation to reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions and optimum melatonin application to reduce ROS and increase antioxidant enzymes.