Guo-Qian Yang: The Plant Cell First Author

Guo-Qian Yang, first author of “Activation and negative feedback regulation of SlHY5 transcription by the SlBBX20/21–SlHY5 transcription factor module in UV-B signaling”

Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai, China).

Education: PhD’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences (Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China))

Non-scientific Interests: Reading, travelling

Brief bio:

I received systemic training in plant genetics and evolutionary genomics for my Ph.D. at Kunming Institute of Botany. At that time, I was fascinated by the woody culms, rapid growth shoots, and unique flowering phenomenon of bamboos which belong to the grass family (but different from wheat and rice!). My colleagues and I revealed the complex reticulate origin of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploidy bamboos with genetic mapping, next-generation sequencing, and comparative genomics techniques. We also got important genetic clues for the woody trait, rapid elongation, and flowering in bamboos through RNA-seq analysis. With experience in handling large genomics datasets and quantitative genetics, I was very eager to learn more about plant functional genomics. I then joined the laboratory of Dr. Ruohe Yin at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for plant photobiology research. We apply various approaches to unravel UV-B light signal transduction pathways extending from photoreceptors to signaling cascades and target genes and proteins that are important for metabolic homeostasis, plant shape, and architecture determination. I have accumulated sound knowledge and skills in plant molecular biology and plant physiology. In addition, I like to track new technologies and methods, and hope to implement them in agriculture to improve the agronomic performance of crops.





个人简介:在攻读博士学位期间,我在昆明植物研究所接受了植物遗传学和进化基因组学方面的系统训练。那段时间,我对隶属于禾本科的竹子木质秆、快速伸长的茎和独特的开花现象非常着迷(与小麦和水稻不同!)。我和我的同事使用遗传作图、二代测序和比较基因组学等手段揭示了不同倍性(二倍体、四倍体和六倍体)竹子复杂的网状起源。通过 RNA-seq 分析我们还发现了竹子的木质性状,快速伸长和开花的重要遗传线索。有了处理大型基因组数据集和数量遗传学的经历,我渴望了解更多关于植物功能基因组学的知识。之后,我便加入了上海交通大学尹若贺博士团队进行植物生物化学和分子生物学研究。我们应用各种方法来解析UV-B光信号通路(从光受体到信号级联反应),以及挖掘对植物代谢,表型和形态建成等有重要影响的功能基因。我在植物分子生物学和植物生理学方面积累了丰富的知识和技能。此外,我喜欢跟踪新技术和新方法,并希望将它们应用到农业中,以提高农作物的农艺性状。