Find help with your writing, or offer assistance to others

Being at the beginning of your career is challenging, especially in these times. It is very important to get editing help from professionals when writing a manuscript or grant, particularly if English is your second language.

I would like to work with the Plantae Community and ASPB to create a resource that helps plant scientists find and offer writing assistance.

To get started, we would first like to gauge interest. If you are a plant scientist seeking help or an experienced writer interested in helping others improve their writing skills, please fill out this form.

If you know of existing resources that we can share and use to build a resource toolkit please comment below or add your suggestions to this form.

Thank you for your time and interest – Christos Noutsos, ASPB Member and Assistant Professor at SUNY Old Westbury NY.

2 replies
  1. Mary Williams
    Mary Williams says:

    Hi Christos!
    I have a few suggestions – here’s a link to a webinar I did on preparing a manuscript for publication,,
    here’s a webinar by Tobias Baskin on writing skills,
    and here’s an interesting but expensive week-long workshop on grant writing organized by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)
    I remember ages ago there was a program to partner people with writing-buddies – people of somewhat aligned writing projects that could provide each other with feedback. Maybe there would be interest in setting up something similar?
    Good luck!

  2. Christos Noutsos
    Christos Noutsos says:

    Hi Mary,
    wonderful suggestions! It would be nice if we can set up such a program within ASPB. We can have a database (nothing fascinating just an excel could do) with people who are interested in helping so that people like me can find what we are looking for.
    PS I already use services from PlantEditors and they are fantastic!

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