Choun-Sea Lin: Plant Physiology First Author

Choun-Sea Lin, first author of “DNA-free CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing of wild tetraploid tomato Solanum peruvianum using protoplast regeneration”

Current Position: Research Specialist, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

Education: BS, 1990, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan; PhD, 1998, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

Non-scientific Interests: travel, sports.

Brief bio: As a young horticulture enthusiast, I completed my education in horticulture at National Chung Hsing University and National Taiwan University in Taiwan. Over the ensuing years I also developed a great interest in plant tissue culture. Under the guidance of Prof. Wei-Chin Chang, I established a system of in vitro flowering and a flower-produce-flower system for bamboo. In recent years, I have been very fortunate to work as a Research Specialist in the Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center at Academia Sinica. Currently, I am leading the ABRC B101 Core facility to provide services to the members of Academia Sinica. The current regular services provided by the facility include provision of Arabidopsis plant material, rice and Arabidopsis transient transfection, other model plant (applied for on an individual project basis) transient transfection, plant tissue sectioning, and the construction of CRISPR /SpCas9 target sites vectors. In addition to developing model plant-related technology platforms, the Core has actively established an agronomic crop protoplast isolation and regeneration system, and conducted improvement of transient transfection systems.