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Plant Science Research Weekly: August 7, 2020

Review: Potential applications of plant biotechnology against SARS-CoV-2 For those of you about to start teaching again, here’s a great article to share with your plant science students, showcasing the ways that plant biologists are contributing to the international efforts to develop diagnostic…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 31

Seed Evolution Special Issue This week "Plant Science Research Weekly," focuses on the evolution of seeds and includes a selection of recent papers that use varying approaches to increase our understanding of the origin and changes of different seed features. Since seeds are transversal to multiple…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 24

Guest Editor: Humberto Herrera-Ubaldo   Humberto is a postdoctoral Fellow at the de Folter Lab, in CINVESTAV-Irapuato (Mexico). He holds a PhD in Plant Biotechnology. During his career, he has focussed on the study of transcription factors guiding gynoecium and fruit development in Arabidopsis.…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 17, 2020

Review: Emerging mechanisms to fine-tune receptor kinase signaling specificity Maybe it’s because I’ve spent too much time in lockdown, but sometimes I find studies on cell signaling a bit impenetrable. Fortunately, this excellent review by Galindo-Trigo et al. has arrived, which elegantly walks…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 10, 2020

  Review: Banishing barberry: The history of Berberis vulgaris prevalence and wheat stem rust incidence across Britain Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) has a strange life strategy in that it requires two hosts to complete its sexual life cycle; wheat and barberry. In the absence…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 3rd

Review: Feedback mechanisms between membrane lipid homeostasis and plant development Plant development is a regulated process of cell division, expansion, and differentiation. Membrane lipids are crucial to these processes, as illustrated in this review by Boutté and Jaillais. The authors discuss…

Plant Science Research Weekly: June 26th

Review: Plant small heat shock proteins – evolutionary and functional diversity Heat shock proteins are rapidly induced by heat treatment and were among the first plant genes and proteins characterized in the early days of molecular biology, nearly 40 years ago. Waters and Vierling review the family…

Plant Science Research Weekly: June 19th

Review Single-cell genomics and epigenomics: Technologies and applications in plants ($) Plants (embryophytes) are by definition multicellular, but we seek to understand them as the sum of the activities of individual cells. Much of this knowledge rests on information obtained through grinding up…

Plant Science Research Weekly: June 12th

Review: Guard cell metabolism and stomatal function Stomatal conductance, gs, is one of the most important and highly regulated plant processes. Lawson and Matthews review how guard cell metabolism, stomatal anatomy and patterning, and signals from the mesophyll affect gs which in turn affects plant…