Fuguo Cao: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Fuguo Cao, co-first author of “Methylation of a MITE insertion in the MdRFNR1-1 promoter is positively associated with its allelic expression in apple in response to drought stress”
Current Position: Ph.D. student, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China
Education: Bachelor's degree in…

Lijuan Jiang: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Lijuan Jiang, co-first author of “Methylation of a MITE insertion in the MdRFNR1-1 promoter is positively associated with its allelic expression in apple in response to drought stress”
Current Position: Post-doctoral in Yangzhou University
Education: PhD’s degree in Northwest A&F University

Chundong Niu: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Chundong Niu, co-first author of “Methylation of a MITE insertion in the MdRFNR1-1 promoter is positively associated with its allelic expression in apple in response to drought stress”
Current Position: Post-doctoral in College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

Yajun Leng: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Yajun Leng, first author of "Arabidopsis ERdj3B coordinates with ERECTA-family receptor kinases to regulate ovule development and the heat stress response"
Current Position: Postdoc, Tsinghua University
Education: Ph.D. from China Agricultural University
B.S. from Shandong Agricultural University;

Jing Hui: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Jing Hui, first author of “The Mycorrhiza-Specific Ammonium Transporter ZmAMT3;1 Mediates Mycorrhiza-dependent Nitrogen Uptake in Maize Roots"
Current Position: China Agricultural University, Research Assistant
Education: Ph.D. degree from China Agricultural University; Bachelor degree from Northwest…

Junfei Ma: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Junfei Ma, first author of "A nuclear import pathway exploited by pathogenic noncoding RNAs"
Current Position: Ph.D. candidate at Mississippi State University, MS, US.
Education: Expected to graduate in the Fall of 2022 at Mississippi State University.
Non-scientific Interests: Travelling,…

Emma Tung Corcoran: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Emma Tung Corcoran, first author of "Systematic histone H4 replacement in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals a role for H4R17 in regulating flowering time"
Current Position: Seeking industry positions
Education: Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from Yale University, Sc.B. in…

Zizhen Liang: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Zizhen Liang, first author of "Electron tomography of prolamellar bodies and their transformation into grana thylakoids in cryofixed Arabidopsis cotyledons"
Current Position: Post-doctoral Research Associate, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Education: Ph.D. in Botany, College of Life Sciences,…

Anna Schulten: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Anna Schulten, first author of "Energy status-promoted growth and development of Arabidopsis require copper deficiency response transcriptional regulator SPL7"
Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Caroline Dean at the John Innes Centre, UK
Education: PhD in the lab of Prof. Ute…