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Fangfang Niu: Plant Physiology First Author

Fangfang Niu, co-first author of "ADP-Ribosylation Factor D1 Modulates Golgi Morphology, Cell Plate Formation and Plant Growth in Arabidopsis" Current Position: Postdoc fellow, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Education: Ph. D, Cell biology, Northwest…

Changyang Ji: Plant Physiology First Author

Changyang Ji, co-first author of "ADP-Ribosylation Factor D1 Modulates Golgi Morphology, Cell Plate Formation and Plant Growth in Arabidopsis"  Current Position: PhD Student, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Education: B.S. in Biotechnology, Sun Yat-sen…

Yuxi Wang: Plant Physiology First Author

Yuxi Wang, co-first author of "CmbHLH16 is responsive to different red-to-far-red light ratios and fine-tunes anthocyanin homeostasis in Chrysanthemum"  Current Position:Ph.D. candidate,Nanjing Agricultural University Education:Bachelor of Agriculture, Northeast Agricultural University; Ph.D.…

Li-jie Zhou: Plant Physiology First Author

Li-jie Zhou, co-first author of "Transcription factor CmbHLH16 regulates petal anthocyanin homeostasis under different lights in Chrysanthemum" Current Position: Lecturer, College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095, China. Education: Ph.D. in Agriculture (2018),…

Zhongfu Yang: Plant Physiology First Author

Zhongfu Yang, first author of "DNA hypermethylation promotes the flowering of orchardgrass during vernalization" Current Position: PhD student, Sichuan Agricultural University Education: Jilin Agricultural University (Bachelor) Non-scientific Interests: Badminton and travel Brief bio: In…

Qing Zhou: Plant Physiology First Author

Qing Zhou, first author of “Heat shock-induced failure of meiosis I to meiosis II transition leads to 2n pollen formation in a woody plant" Current Position: PhD candidate, College of Biological Sciences and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, China Education: Shenyang Agricultural University…