Plant Direct Q&A with Alexis Maizel
Blog, Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Q&A, Research
What does your lab work on?
My lab studies the mechanisms of lateral root morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. We combine molecular genetics, cell biology and microscopy to understand how these new roots are robustly formed.
Tell us about the key findings from your recent article in Plant Direct.

Plant Direct Q&A with Elizabeth Haswell
Blog, Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Q&A, ResearchWhat does your lab work on?
My group studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which plants sense and response to mechanical stimuli. In particular, we focus on a class of molecular mechanoreceptors called mechanosensitive ion channels.
Tell us about the key findings from your recent article…

Plant Direct Q&A with Joshua Windhalm
Blog, Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Q&A, Research
What does your lab work on?
We combine functional genomics with synthetic biology approaches to study the metabolism of redox-active plant natural products that can harnessed for applications relevant to agriculture and human health. We are particularly interested in specialized quinones like…