Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Mendel Perkins
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesMendel Perkins, first author of Dwarfism of high-monolignol Arabidopsis plants is rescued by ectopic LACCASE overexpression
Current Position: PhD candidate at the University of British Columbia in Lacey Samuels lab
Education: BSc (Hons) University of Calgary; MSc University of Calgary

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Marco Bürger
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesMarco Bürger, first author of In-silico analysis of the strigolactone ligand-receptor system
Current Position: Senior research associate
Education: PhD: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology; B.S., M.Sc.: University of Osnabrück
Non-scientific Interests: reading, traveling
Brief bio:…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Iny Elizebeth Mathew
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesIny Elizebeth Mathew, first author of SUPER STARCHY1/ ONAC025 participates in rice grain filling
Current Position: Research associate, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Education: PhD in Plant Molecular Biology, National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), India

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: James Patrick Santiago
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesJames Patrick Santiago, first author of Phaseolus vulgaris SUT1.1 is a high affinity sucrose-proton co-transporter
Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Plant Resilience Institute and Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University (USA)
B.S. Agriculture – University…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Carla S. Santos
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesCarla S. Santos, first author of A combined physiological and biophysical approach to understand the ligand-dependent efficiency of 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone Fe-chelates
Current Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina – Laboratório…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Zainab ALJbory
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesZainab ALJbory, first author of Differential Localization of Hessian Fly Candidate Effectors in Resistant and Susceptible Wheat Plants
Current Position: Postdoc. Research Associate
Education: B.S. in Plant Protection and M.S. in Entomology from University of Baghdad- Iraq. Ph.D. in Molecular Entomology,…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Geraint Parry
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesGeraint Parry, first author of Current Status of the Multinational Arabidopsis Community
Current Position: GARNet Coordinator, Secretary Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Community, Director Arabidopsis Events UK
Education: PhD Plant Science, University of Nottingham
Non-scientific Interests:…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Pulkit Kanodia
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesPulkit Kanodia, first author of Control of Translation during the Unfolded Protein Response in Maize seedlings: Life without PERKs
Current Position: PhD candidate, Miller Lab, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Iowa State University
Education: Bachelor in Engineering with a major in…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Alexandra Jammer
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesAlexandra Jammer, first author of Early-stage sugar beet taproot development is characterised by three distinct physiological phases
Current Position: I currently have two academic part-time jobs, working 75 % as a Lecturer at the University of Graz (Austria), and 25 % as a Postdoc researcher in a project…