Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Craig Schenck
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesCraig Schenck, first author of Role of Cytosolic, Tyrosine-Insensitive Prephenate Dehydrogenase in Medicago truncatula
Current Position: NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Education: B.S. Plant Biology, Ohio, University; M.S. Molecular Biology, Ohio, University; Ph.D. Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Wei Hu
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesWei Hu, first author of Regulation of monocot and dicot plant development with constitutively active alleles of phytochrome B
Current Position: Assistant project scientist at Prof. J. Clark Lagarias’ Laboratory, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California Davis, USA

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Deborah Petrik
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesDeborah Petrik, first author of BdGT43B2 functions in xylan biosynthesis and is essential for seedling survival in Brachypodium distachyon
Current Position: Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN
PhD in Biological Sciences, Illinois State University, 2015

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Yinghui Li
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesYinghui Li, first author of Exogenous sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, a Jasmonic acid biosynthesis inhibitor, induced resistance to powdery mildew in wheat
Current Position: post-doctoral researcher
Education: PhD and Master, College of Agriculture, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Jon Cody
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesJon Cody, first author of Site-Specific Recombinase Genome Engineering Toolkit in Maize
Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, University of Minnesota
Education: PhD, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri – Columbia
Non-scientific Interests: skateboarding, PC gaming and…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Daniel Santana de Carvalho
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesDaniel Santana de Carvalho, first author of IsoSeq transcriptome assembly of C3 panicoid grasses provides tools to study evolutionary change in the Panicoideae
Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Bioinformatics Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Kyungwon Min
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesKyungwon Min, first author of A metabolomics study of ascorbic acid-induced in situ freezing tolerance in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)
Current Position: I have recently defended my PhD dissertation under the guidance of Dr. Rajeev Arora’s laboratory, Department of Horticulture, Iowa State University,…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Nitya Subrahmanian
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesNitya Subrahmanian, first author of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a plant model system to study mitochondrial complex I dysfunction
Current Position: Post-doctoral researcher at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Education: Ph.D. in Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology at The Ohio State University,…

Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Puneet Paul
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesPuneet Paul, first author of Divergent phenotypic response of rice accessions to transient heat stress during early seed development
Current Position: Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Education: Ph.D. in Plant Molecular…