Greening the Classroom - Arabidopsis project modules for grades 8-10
Education, Resources0 Comments
These free modules catalyze exploration of Arabidopsis and heredity, cellular processes, characteristics of life, and responses to the environment. Modules include seed stocks, protocols, teaching guides, and videos.
Aligned with Ohio Department of Education standards for grades 8-10. Most modules…

Lessons: Make the Link, bringing global dimensions to science lessons (Sheffield Hallam University)
Education, ResourcesFree resources to bring a global dimension to science lessons
Make The Link offers four units looking at topics like the provision of clean water, the impact of climate change across the world, the development of clean, fuel-efficient stoves for cooking meals in areas with limited infrastructure and…

Lesson Set. Drought: EarthLabs for Educators (Carleton College)
Education, ResourcesEarth science is emerging as a demanding high-school science course that prepares learners for college admissions and informed citizenship. Earth science classes integrate physics, chemistry, and biology to introduce students to a rich body of concepts and knowledge with which to understand the world…

Lesson: Can we feed the growing population?
Education, ResourcesIn this lesson from National Geographic Education, students explore the resources that make up our agricultural system. Students examine land uses and soil quality through graphs of land use and crop production and use computational models to compare the effect of different management strategies on the…

Lesson: Will there be enough fresh water?
Education, ResourcesIn this lesson from National Geographic Education, students will explore the distribution and uses of fresh water on Earth. They will examine models of porosity and permeability, run experiments with computational models, and hear from a hydrologist working on the same question. At the end of the lesson,…

Primers & Special Dialogues - clear & humorous insight on plants
Education, ResourcesThe Geitmann Lab is here to help...
Are you (or students) not quite sure what the term "cytomechanics" means? Or what beasts "pollen tubes" are? Use the Geitmann Lab Primers to get oriented to plant reproduction, pollen tubes and cytomechanics.
Include plant lore in your celebrations of Valentine's…

Genetic and Genomic Toolbox of Zea mays
Education, ResourcesAn Open Access review article posted in the journal Genetics that provides an excellent overview of maize as a genetic and genomic system for study. Published March 2015, by Natalie J. Nannas and R. Kelly Dawe.
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LearnGenetics:Epigenetics (Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah)
Education, ResourcesExcellent set of educational resources from Learn.Genetics including activities and videos. The video "Epigenetics of Identical Twins" is an extremely clear explanations of epigenetics.
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Blog, Education, ResourcesSupplemental resources for TTPB "Plants and their microsymbionts" - Incredibly comprehensive web resource on the biology and study of mycorrhizal associations, © Mark Brundrett, CSIRO 2008.
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