How to Write A Grant Application
Blog, CareersWriting grant applications could be tricky and time-consuming. Before embarking on developing a grant proposal, it is essential that the overarching aim(s) of the research proposal align closely with the objectives of the funding agencies. For example, some funding agencies offer monetary support only…

Techniques Becoming Obsolete in Plant Molecular Biology in 2024
Blog, CareersThe field of plant molecular biology has experienced remarkable growth in recent decades, contributed by significant milestones such as the recognition of Arabidopsis thaliana as a universal plant model, the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative in 2000 (The Arabidopsis Genome, 2000), and the 1001 Genome Initiative…

Leveling Up Your Game: Time Management Strategies for Researchers
Blog, Careers
In the world of scientific research, how we handle and manage our time can be crucial for achieving our research goals and meeting deadlines. But it can get tricky: there's a lot to do, and we are often working with limited time and resources, which can be overwhelming and take a toll on our mental…

Entrepreneurships in Plant Science
Blog, CareersHave you ever thought of creating your own company?
More than ever, college graduates are considering entrepreneurship as a career option. A global scale survey in 2021, involving around 267,000 undergraduate and graduate students from 58 countries revealed that around 11% of the students already…

How to Choose the Best Lab for PhD?
Blog, CareersIntroduction
The primary training during PhD plays a pivotal role in shaping and preparing an individual for a life-long career in scientific research. You will be typically involved in making an original and meaningful contribution to a specific research domain. During this journey, you will acquire…

Switch to a New Research Project
Blog, CareersWhen you're committed to a research project but are considering switching to a new one, you might wonder if it's a common practice. Is it normal to change projects? What experiences do others who have made such a switch share? What steps should you take in this scenario? The accompanying infographic…

International Conferences: Faster Visa Processing Times May Be on the Way
Blog, CareersVisa wait time has been an ongoing challenge for those international visitors wishing to attend U.S-based events. Currently, first-time visa applicants can face a delay of over one year, and even up to two, due to staffing shortages and a growing backlog following the COVID-19 pandemic. According to…

Bridging Science and Art: The Journey to Becoming a Scientific Illustrator
Blog, CareersScientific illustration plays a crucial role in plant sciences as it highlights the intricate details of plant structures and their biological processes. While photographs and microscopy images are great at capturing moments, scientific illustrations act as bridges between researchers and the general…

Literature Tools for Researchers
Blog, Careers, EducationSearch engines, databases, and literature searches, oh my!
Finding and managing references is a complex task. Luckily there are a number of digital tools that can help this task. In this infographic, ASPB Plantae Fellow Ángel Vergara Cruces presents a series of articles to find, access, organize…