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NABT inquiry, Mysterious Mycorrhizae?

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Mysterious Mycorrhizae? A Field Trip & Classroom Experiment To Demystify the Symbioses Formed Between Plants & Fungi. Published in the American Biology Teacher VOLUME 71, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2009 p 424 - 429. NANCY C. JOHNSON, V. BALA CHAUDHARY, JASON D. HOEKSEMA, JOHN C. MOORE,ANNE PRINGLE, JAMES…

Best of 2016: Top Topics in Plant Physiology jounal

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We’ve highlighted some of the Plant Physiology papers that were widely shared, liked, blogged, retweeted and otherwise garnered high-levels of attention this year. Perhaps you can use some of that holiday-season quiet time to catch up on those you missed. The breakaway attention-getter from Plant…

The 12 Principles of Plant Biology

The 12 Principles of Plant Biology Are… A FRAMEWORK for understanding and appreciating the critical roles of plants to create, improve and sustain life A GATEWAY to exploring the fascinating intricacies of plant science through inquiry and scientific thinking ALIGNED with the Next Generation Science…

The Microfarm: Organic Gardening for Anyone

A year round organic aquaponic garden with almost no maintenance. Half of the profits go to schools. Springworks has partnered with Cultivating Action to help integrate more aquaponics and sustainable agriculture education in schools. You can check out our campaign at: About…

Communicating Effectively with Graphics

Frédéric Bouché, a postdoctoral research with Richard Amasino at the University of Wisconsin, recently caught our attention when he published a set of impressive visual abstracts to support his latest research papers. We invited him to share how and why he makes these images. -Editors When you…