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How To Start Your Coding Journey

While learning how to code may seem like a daunting task, having the ability to code can help streamline your research in plant science. Knowing how to code can significantly improve your data analysis and visualization, and help you automate tasks - not to mention that it looks good on your CV. Although…

2025 Black History Month: Black Plant Scientists Spotlight

A Message from the Initiative Originator, Kevin Cox Jr., Ph.D: What has become a tradition of mine since February 2021, every day of Black History Month I highlight a Black botanist, resulting in over 110 Black botanists and their work being highlighted and amplified by others over the last four years.…

ASPB Reaffirms Its Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Along with many others, we have done our best to absorb the deluge of executive actions that have taken place over the past few weeks. We recognize the harm they are causing to both individuals and institutions, as well as the cascading impact they have on the plant biology workforce and, by extension,…

Embracing Neurodivergence in the Plant Science Community

Neurodivergence refers to the variations in human neurocognitive functioning, encompassing conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and others. The term "neurodivergence" comes from the broader concept of "neurodiversity," a term often…

Being a Parent and Future Parent in Academia

This community blog harbors personal viewpoints on how to navigate parenthood and academia from two perspectives, one a current academic parent and another future academic parent. As a female academic parent, Dr. Indrani Kakati’s tryst with parenting has been full of roller-coaster experiences.…

Capsella rubella: My Fruity Valentine

Most shapes in plant organs are pre-determined at the primordial stage and from this point, growth will establish and maintain this shape. Rarely will re-shaping of an organ occur post-organogenesis. However, Hu et al. describe a notable exception in Capsella rubella, a close relative of Arabidopsis…