Baolei Zhang: The Plant Cell First Author

Baolei Zhang, co-first author of “Three OsMYB36 members redundantly regulate Casparian Strip formation at the root endodermis”

Current Position: PhD student, Guangxi University, China
Education: B.E. Shandong University of Science and Technology, China

Non-scientific Interests: Table tennis, reading
Brief bio: After graduation from Shandong University of Science and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in 2019, with the desire to scientific research, I have the honor to join Prof. Jixing Xia’s Lab to continue master and Ph.D studies. I have been researching the mechanism and function of Casparian strip formation in rice roots and found that three transcription factors OsMYB36s redundantly regulate Casparian Strip formation at the endodermis in rice. During this project, I also gained a lot of fun and valuable experience. Next, I will continue to investigate the molecular mechanism of Casparian strip formation in rice.





