Entries by Mary Williams

Virtual issue: The chemical language of plant–microbe–microbe associations

Don’t miss this exciting Virtual Issue from New Phytologist on “plant-microbe-microbe” interactions. That’s not a typo – many of the articles address the signals that coordinate such multi-factorial interactions, as there is a growing recognition that interrelations between microbes influence how they interaction with plants (see also the review below by Mesny et al.). This […]

PIN auxin transporters also transport auxin-like herbicides (and more?)

Auxin is an extremely important plant hormone that must be precisely controlled. Auxin-like herbicides have been developed that are often more stable than the natural auxins, thus their application can damage the plant. Here, Schulz, Ung et al. investigated how these auxin herbicides move in plant tissues. The authors investigated the interactions of the well-known […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: October 11, 2024

Virtual issue: The chemical language of plant–microbe–microbe associations Don’t miss this exciting Virtual Issue from New Phytologist on “plant-microbe-microbe” interactions. That’s not a typo – many of the articles address the signals that coordinate such multi-factorial interactions, as there is a growing recognition that interrelations between microbes influence how they interaction with plants (see also […]

Single cell transcriptomics after mild drought reveals two types of mesophyll responses

Single-cell transcriptomics offer unprecedented insights into how plants respond to their environment. Although this technique is powerful, it requires extensive processing of the tissue (cell wall digestion to form protoplasts) prior to sequencing, which can induce additional transcriptional changes. Here, Tenorio Berrío et al. incorporated into their protocol a block on transcription through applying actinomycin […]

Comment: Lack of racial diversity in UK plant science

In most STEM disciplines there is a racial disparity between practitioners and the broader population. This disparity is often greater in plant sciences than in biomedical-related disciplines. Here, Hubbard and colleagues take a close look at the demographics of plant scientists in the UK and provide some recommendations for action. Contributing factors could include where […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 27, 2024

Review: Molecular concepts to explain heterosis in crops Heterosis, the phenomenon where hybrid plants outperform their genetically distinct parents, is a cornerstone of modern agriculture. This review by Hochholdinger and Yu explores the molecular mechanisms behind heterosis. The review traces the history of heterosis, from its early discovery in tobacco by Kölreuter to its widespread […]

Review: Guidelines for studying and naming plant plasma-membrane domains

Numerous studies have highlighted the critical importance of plasma membrane heterogeneities in regulating cell functions, leading to a proliferation of overlapping and contradictory terminologies. Here, Jaillais and others in the field propose a new system of nomenclature. It really is a must-read for anyone interested in cell biology, so here I’ll just report two key […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 6, 2024

Review: Guidelines for studying and naming plant plasma-membrane domains Numerous studies have highlighted the critical importance of plasma membrane heterogeneities in regulating cell functions, leading to a proliferation of overlapping and contradictory terminologies. Here, Jaillais and others in the field propose a new system of nomenclature. It really is a must-read for anyone interested in […]