Amy Ny Aina Aritsara: Plant Physiology First Author

Amy Ny Aina Aritsara, first author of “Divergent leaf and fine root “pressure-volume relationships” across habitats with varying water availability”

Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow at Guangxi University, China

Education: Ph.D. in Ecology

Non-Scientific Interests: Music, walking, riding, driving, volleyball.


 I am fascinated by plant biodiversity and aim to understand the foundation and protection of plant biodiversity via analyzing plant anatomy and functional traits. Thus, most of my research works analyze the relationships between plant anatomy and functional traits across multiple species. In 2015 I graduated with a master’s degree in forestry and environment engineering from the University of Antananarivo. My master thesis focused on forest community survey and wood property assessment for the restoration of a tropical mountain forest and aimed to provide scientific tools to implement wood production. In 2020, I got my Ph.D. degree from Guangxi University, China For my Ph.D. thesis, I analyzed the functional optimization and tissue spatial arrangement in the aboveground hydraulic system of magnoliids from a tropical rainforest in Madagascar and showed that tissue arrangement can optimize stem xylem and leaf hydraulic properties. In 2021, I began my postdoctoral work on analyzing stem xylem anatomy and vessel pit structure in relation to drought resistance.

姓名:ARITSARA Amy Ny Aina (阿米), Plant Physiology 第一作者


教育经历:硕士, 塔那那礼佛大学-马达加斯加; 博士,广西大学


