Bo Yang: The Plant Cell First Author

Bo Yang, first author of “The sugar transporter ZmSUGCAR1 of the Nitrate Transporter 1/Peptide Transporter family is critical for maize grain filling”

Current Position: Scientist, The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited (Plant & Food Research)

Education: PhD in plant biology, State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (SKLPPB) and College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing; BSc in bioengineering, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, China.

Non-scientific Interests: fostering animals, gardening and travelling

Brief Bio:  Since graduating with a PhD in plant biology, I worked in the laboratory of Professor Jinsheng Lai at the National Maize Improvement Centre in China Agricultural University as a postdoctoral fellow and studied the mechanisms of genetic regulation in maize grain development. During this period, I spent four months working in the laboratory of Professor Doris Rentsch, as a visiting research fellow at the University of Bern, Switzerland. In July 2020, I moved to New Zealand and subsequently found a postdoctoral job working on the molecular mechanisms regulating kiwifruit flowering in the team of Professor Jo Putterill at the University of Auckland, Senior Scientist Erika Varkonyi-Gasic and Professor Andy Allan from the New Zealand Institute of Plant and Food Research Limited (PFR). I am now employed as a scientist at PFR, with my current research interest being the functional genomics of kiwifruit.





个人简介:我在2015年6月获得植物生物学博士学位后,进入中国农业大学国家玉米改良中心赖锦盛教授实验室做博士后,主要研究玉米籽粒发育遗传调控的机制,在此期间我还赴瑞士伯尔尼大学,在Doris Rentsch教授实验室做了4个月访问学者。 于2020 年7月,我移居新西兰,之后在奥克兰大学的 Jo Putterill 教授和新西兰植物与食品研究所的 Erika Varkonyi-Gasic 高级研究员和 Andy Allan教授合作的团队中作为博士后研究员,开展关于调控猕猴桃开花分子机制的研究。 现在我受聘为新西兰植物与食品研究所的研究员,并将继续从事猕猴桃的功能基因组的相关研究。