Pan-transcriptomic analysis reveals mechanisms regulating crop cold responses
The Plant Cell: In a Nutshell
Zhong, Luo, Sun, et al.
Yuanyuan Zhong, Guangxi University; Yuhong Luo, Guangxi University; Jinliang Sun, Guangxi University; Xuemei Qin, Guangxi University; Ping Gan, Guangxi University; Zuwen Zhou, Guangxi University; Yongqing Qian, Guangxi University; Rupeng…
Alternative complex III: an ancient counterpart of the bc1/b6f complex
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellXin et al. determined the cryo-EM structure of HQNO-bound Alternative Complex III from the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. The Plant Cell (2024)
By Xiaoling Xu at Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China
Background: Photosynthesis…
A new player in carotenoid production
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellRao et al. discover a new regulator to control carotenoid synthesis in plants.
By Sombir Rao and Li Li
Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health, USDA-ARS, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA
Plant Breeding and Genetics Section,…
HY5a regulates winter dormancy in poplar
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellGao, Chen et al. explore the regulatory mechanisms governing winter dormancy in trees.
Yongfeng Gao, Zihao Chen and Yinan Yao
School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, 621010 Mianyang, China
Enhancing plants’ capability of P uptake to feed the world
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellHu et al. uncover a major regulatory model that can enhance plants’ P uptake from soils.
By Dandan Hua, Hengyou Zhangb and Dan Zhanga
a Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops, College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou,…
A battle in rice flowers
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLi et al. investigate the mechanisms of defense and counter-defense in a floral pathosystem.
By Guo-Bang Li, Wen-Ming Wang, and Jing Fan
Background: Rice false smut is an emerging fungal disease threatening rice production worldwide. This disease not only…
PagMYB31 coordinates cambial cell proliferation and differentiation in poplar wood formation
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellZhang et al. explore the regulation of cambium division and differentiation in poplar.
Yanhui Zhang and Quanzi Li, State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China
Background: In trees such as poplar (Populus…
What Plants Teach Us About Managing Stress?
Blog, EducationAmidst this bustling world we inhabit, plants stand as silent yet powerful teachers, offering invaluable lessons on stress management. Following are the three key insights that plants provide:
Know Your Environment:
As sessile beings, plants have mastered the art of adapting to and tolerating the…
Plantae Presents: Navigating Conferences for Beginners
Blog, Education, Plantae WebinarsPlantae Presents: Navigating Conferences for Beginners
Featuring Sjon Hartman and Anna Matuszyńska
When: Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at
1:30 PM CET | 7:30 AM EDT | 4:30 AM PDT | 7:30 PM Beijing
About this Webinar
Attending conferences is more than just presenting research and having a few drinks.…