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Tree or bush? It’s all in the hormones

Much of our understanding of the molecular underpinning that control shoot architecture comes from studies of annual plants such as Arabidopsis, pea, and rice. This new work by Su et al. investigates shoot branching in a long-lived tree, silver birch (Betula pendula). They started with a naturally occurring…

Plant Science Research Weekly: December 15, 2023

Special issue: Human-machine collaboration in plant biology This is an excellent article to wrap up this year and lead us into the future. Introducing a special issue of Plant Cell Physiology, Nakajima et al. summarize an exciting collection of papers that look at diverse ways that plant biology can…

Genome Editing Tutorial for Beginners

Genome editing  Genome editing is a technique to alter DNA of specific cells or organisms including bacteria, plants and animals. Genome editing has extensive advantages starting from agricultural research to human disease research. Recent advancement of bacterial or engineered nucleases target and…