The dark side of the plant: lipid metabolism regulation under starvation
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLuzarowska et al. reveal that an enzyme involved in fatty acid elongation and wax synthesis determines the differential accumulation of polyunsaturated triacylglycerols.
By Corina Mariana Fusari1 & Yariv Brotman2
1Centro de Estudios Fotosintéticos y Bioquímicos (CEFOBI-CONICET-UNR), Suipacha…
Residues required for polar localization of rice Si transporter
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellKonishi et al. explore the mechanism underlying the polar localization of a silicon transporter.
By Noriyuki Konishi, Namiki Mitani-Ueno, Naoki Yamaji and Jian Feng Ma
Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University, Chuo 2-20-1, Kurashiki, 710-0046 Japan
Background: Silicon (Si)…
How plants fine tune wax biosynthesis
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellHuang et al. find that a 3-KETOACYL-COA SYNTHASE negatively regulates wax biosynthesis, revealing a mechanism for fine-tuning lipid metabolism.
Haodong Huang, Xianpeng Yang, Shiyou Lü and Huayan Zhao
State Key Laboratory of Biocatalysis and Enzyme Engineering, School of Life Sciences, Hubei University,…
Ligands and regulatory properties of the HD-ZIPIII START domain
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellHusbands et al. identify ligands and regulatory properties of the HD-ZIPIII START domain.
By By Aman Y. Husbands (University of Pennsylvania) and Marja C.P. Timmermans (University of Tuebingen).
Background: Development has been compared to a ball rolling down a hill. Cells initially have broad…