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Vinay Nagarajan: The Plant Cell First Author

Vinay Nagarajan, co-first author of "RNA degradome analysis reveals DNE1 endoribonuclease is required for the turnover of diverse mRNA substrates in Arabidopsis" Current Position:  Scientist, Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Education:  Ph.D., Horticulture,…

Plant Cell Webinar: RNA Biology Part 1

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Plant Cell Webinar: RNA Biology (1) Celebrating the June 2023 Focus Issue on RNA Biology Recorded Wednesday, June 14, 2023 About This Webinar If DNA is the playbook of life, then RNA, in all its forms, is the company of actors that brings life into being. RNA is likely the original organic molecule…

12 Time Management Strategies for Researchers

Being able to manage our time effectively is a key concern for many of us (Cyril, 2015). This is not surprising given that 28% of our working day can be wasted by interruptions and distractions (Chase et al., 2013). Reducing these interruptions and being as efficient as possible in the time remaining…