Da Cao: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Da Cao, first author of "Auxin-independent effects of apical dominance induce changes in phytohormones correlated with bud outgrowth"
Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at Laboratory of Functional Plant Biology, Ghent University
PhD The University of Queensland, Australia (Principle…
Ravi Shankar Kumar: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Ravi Shankar Kumar, first author of "microRNA408 and its encoded peptide regulate sulfur assimilation and arsenic stress response in Arabidopsis"
Current Position: Project Associate at CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP), Lucknow India.
Ph.D. in Science…
Taotao Wang: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Taotao Wang, first author of "Alternative 3′-untranslated regions regulate high salt tolerance of Spartina alterniflora"
Current Position: Shanghai Jiaotong University, College of Life Science and Technology, Research associate.
2016/09-2020/06, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,…
Yaxiu Xu: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Yaxiu Xu, first author of "Exogenous Ca2+ Promotes Transcription Factor Phosphorylation to Suppress Ethylene Biosynthesis in Apple"
Current Position: Ph. D. candidate, College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agriculture University, Shenyang, China
Education: B.S. (2015) and M.S. (2018) from Shenyang…
A cellular transporter controlling the uptake, effectiveness and side effects of chemicals that prime plant immunity
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellTao et al. identify the transporter for beta amino acids that induce priming in plants. https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac271
By Jurriaan Ton & Chia-Nan Tao, University of Sheffield
Background: Specific chemicals can induce long-lasting disease resistance in plants. These chemicals act by…
The Lab Notebook: A Researcher’s Best Friend
Blog, EducationIt has often been said that the difference between “science” and “messing around” is that in science, you have to write stuff down. Keeping a good written record of your research is a key skill to learn as you progress as a scientist, no matter if you're working in academia, industry, or in the…
On Intentional Inclusion: A Database of African Plant scientists and Organizations
Blog, CommunityBlack History Month is an opportunity to highlight the importance of racial justice and equity and remind us that creating equitable and inclusive environments requires ongoing efforts beyond performative allyship. This is especially true in scientific institutions. While several important commitments…
Review: Hypes, hopes, and the way forward for microalgal biotechnology
Plant Science Research WeeklyMicroalgae are small, photosynthetic algae that have emerged as important contributors to food and nutrient production. This review describes the many ways they can be grown (e.g., autotrophic, with sunlight or artificial light; heterotrophic, with sugar inputs; or mixotrophic, a combination of both)…
Opinion: The role of microbial inheritance in the assembly of the plant microbiome
Plant Science Research WeeklySeeds not only carry the embryo that will germinate and give rise to a new individual, but they are also the vector to the next generation for microorganisms from the mother plant and the environment. Consequently, seeds link the microbiome between plant generations. In this thorough review, Abdelfattah…