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Plant Science Research Weekly: April 15, 2022

Special issue: Sex determination and sex chromosome evolution in land plants, Philosophical Transactions B At some point, most biology students learn the term “dioecy” (two houses), which refers to the separation of male and female function into different individuals, a characteristic that is…

Inyoung Kim: Plant Direct First Author

Inyoung Kim, co-first author of "The seed-specific transcription factor DPBF2 modulates the fatty acid composition in seeds" Current Position: Ph.D. student in Prof. Hyun Uk Kim’s Laboratory at the University of Sejong, South Korea Education: MSc in Bioindustry and Bioresource Engineering and…

Magda Rudzka: The Plant Cell First Author

Magda Rudzka, co-first author of "Functional nuclear retention of pre-mRNA involving Cajal bodies during meiotic prophase in European larch (Larix decidua)" Current position: Laboratory assistant at the Central Laboratory of the Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection Education: PhD.…

Karolina Majewska: The Plant Cell First Author

Karolina Majewska, co-first author of "Functional nuclear retention of pre-mRNA involving Cajal bodies during meiotic prophase in European larch (Larix decidua)" Current Position: Ph.D. student in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Education: M.Sc.…

Xuedong Liu: Plant Physiology First Author

Xuedong Liu, first author of “Maize miR167-ARF3/30-PAO1 module-regulated H2O2 production confers resistance to maize chlorotic mottle virus”   Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at the college of life sciences and oceanography, Shenzhen University (China). Education: Ph.D. (2020)…