Wei-wei Zhang: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Wei-wei Zhang, co-first author of “FvWRKY48 binds to the pectate lyase FvPLA promoter to control fruit softening in Fragaria vesca”
Current position: Postdoctor, College of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture
Education: PhD (China Agricultural University)
Shenglin Jing: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Shenglin Jing, first author of "Transcription factor StABI5-like 1 binding to the FLOWERING LOCUS T homologs promotes early maturity in potato"
Current Position:Ph.D student in Huazhong Agricutural University
Undergraduate,Biotechnology,2012-2016,Southwest University of…
Kosuke Kuwabara: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Kosuke Kuwabara, first author of "orf137 triggers cytoplasmic male sterility in tomato"
Current Position:
PhD student in the laboratory of Olericulture and Floriculture at the University of Tsukuba, Japan
M.Sc. in Agricultural science, and B.Sc. in Bioresource science at the University…
A species-specific partial duplicate gene in Arabidopsis thaliana evolved novel morphological effects
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellHuang, Chen and colleagues take advantage of a partial duplicated gene to compare the functions of the partial duplicate and its parental copy.
By Yuan Huang, Jiahui Chen, Shengqian Xia and Manyuan Long, Department of Ecology and Evolution, The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Weiwei Gao: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Weiwei Gao, first author of "miR2105 and the kinase OsSAPK10 co-regulate OsbZIP86 to mediate drought-induced ABA biosynthesis in rice"
Current Position: Ph.D. candidate at South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Guangzhou, China)
Education: M.S. at South China Agricultural University
Guohui Yu: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Guohui Yu, first author of "The NAC factor LpNAL delays leaf senescence by repressing two chlorophyll catabolic genes in perennial ryegrass"
Current Position: Postdocs in Nanjing Agricultural University
Education: Ph.D, College of Agro-grassland Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, China;…
Jiang Wang: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Jiang Wang, first author of "Hexose transporter SWEET5 confers galactose sensitivity to Arabidopsis pollen germination via a galactokinase"
Current Position: Postdoc, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
2012-2017 Ph.D. in Biology, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Guokai Xu: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Guokai Xu, first author of "Embryonic reactivation of FLOWERING LOCUS C by ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE 3 establishes the vernalization requirement in each Arabidopsis generation"
Current Position: Assistant Scientist, Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, China
Education: Ph.D.…
Amit Kumar Singh: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Amit Kumar Singh, first author of "Rubisco Regulation in Response to Altered Carbon Status in the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942"
Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associates, Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA