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Improving Outreach In Plant Science

Improving Outreach In Plant Science- Workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual Jose Dinneny, Stanford (and former NAASC member) organized this workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual. The workshop stemmed from his leadership of two NAASC activities on the topic of Outreach in Plant Science that occurred between 2018-2021,…

Lele Shang: The Plant Cell First Author

Lele Shang, co-first author of ''A mutation in a C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor contributed to the transition towards self-pollination in cultivated tomatoes'' Current Position: Ph.D. Candidate, Huazhong Agricultural University Education: B.S. in Shandong Agricultural University Non-scientific…

Repeat yourself: A new way to self-express

Reinar et al. uncover the effects of allelic variation in short tandem repeats across natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana on gene expression.  By Kjetill Jakobsen1, Melinka Butenko2, and William Reinar1 1Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), University of Oslo, Department…

Alicia Abarca: Plant Physiology First Author

Alicia Abarca, first author of "Family-wide evaluation of RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR peptides" Current position: PhD student at University of Zürich, Switzerland Education: Wageningen University (The Netherlands) MSc Biotechnology, University of Granada (Spain), Bachelor in Biology Non-scientific…

Xiaoyun Song: Plant Physiology First Author

Xiaoyun Song, first author of "CALMODULIN-LIKE 38 and PEP1 RECEPTOR 2 integrate nitrate and brassinosteroid signals to regulate root growth" Current Position: Ph.D. candidate, School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Education: M.S. in Pratacultural Science,…

Kenneth Acosta: The Plant Cell First Author

Kenneth Acosta, first author of "Return of the Lemnaceae: Duckweed as a model plant system in the genomics and post-genomics era" Current Position: PhD student, Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, NJ Education: A.A. in Biology, Union County College - Cranford,…