Phosphorous Use in Agriculture
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This is a video aimed at raising awareness for the importance of phosphorous use in agriculture, as well as current problems in this area and a proposed solution. Created by ASPB Conviron Scholar Aya Bridgeland
Amazing plant breeding!
BlogASPB Conviron Scholar Presentation by Rostislav Blume
Here is my short video about plant breeding advancement. It is made for wide audience, so, I think, most plant scientists here may already know all this information. I believe, this video should be good for all age categories. Let me know, what do…
What is Plant Breeding?
BlogASPB Conviron Scholars Research Presentation by Carolina Ballén-Taborda
2020 International Year of Plant Health Video
BlogThe United Nations determined that 2020 would be the International Year of Plant Health and here is a link to ASPB Conviron Scholar Jen Rushton's science communication video spreading that awareness!
Plants Fighting Back
BlogA short video for kids and laypeople about how plants defend themselves from hungry bugs and invaders. Created by ASPB Conviron Scholar Marlo Hall.
Cell Wall Remodeling During Wood Development
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: News and Views, ResearchMadeleine Seale
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RB, United Kingdom
[email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-3943
Wood formation occurs via radial proliferation of vascular cambium cells and the deposition of secondary cell wall layers…
What's wrong with my plants?
BlogThis is a brief and basic introduction of some plant growing matters for beginners created by ASPB Conviron Scholar You-Wun Huang. Enjoy!
TREHALOSE-6-PHOSPHATE SYNTHASE1 – an essential enzyme in Arabidopsis
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellFichtner et al. transformed the embryo-lethal mutant tps1 with variants of the TPS1 gene to identify critical domains for function and localization of the gene product. The Plant Cell (2020)
By Franziska Fichtner1,2 and John Lunn1, 1Max Planck Institute of Molecular…
Review: Evolution of virulence in rust fungi — multiple solutions to one problem (COPB)
Plant Science Research WeeklyRust fungi are a diverse group (more than 7800 species) of phytopathogenic fungi that cause considerable economic loss. (Coincidently, I’m writing on Robigalia, the Roman “anti-rust” festival, which dates from before we understood that microbes, not gods, cause disease). Figurero et al. have written…